There are many types of insurance plans out there. I hope that in this blog I can make insurance clear and simple for you. We often don’t think about insurance as something important. That is until we need it. Insurance is a way to manage your risk and exposure to financial issues. Have you ever heard that your health is your wealth? Well, it is. For example, most insurance companies encourage you to choose a primary care doctor and go to your annual wellness exam. Why do they do this? It is a way to manage costs. They know that if you go to your doctor on a routine basis, they will more likely detect an illness you may not have caught if you didn’t go at all. If your doctor manages your health, it helps you manage your costs financially. If you're able to manage your health by catching things early on, then it will be easier to manage in terms of cost and your health. Remember your health is your wealth. If you manage your health you won’t spend all of your money getting your health back to where it should be. Take action now and use the preventive services of your health insurance plan. Confused about how Medicare or Health insurance works? Call me today and I will make it simple and easy to understand. Michael Antoine (813) 725-4708